Wednesday 24 April 2013

Hi Hello Hey!

Hi there! My name is Abbie Kranjcevich and I am the world's worst blogger in existence! Geeeezzz it's like I purposefully avoid typing out my thoughts. Well's everyone doing out in that world wide web? I hope you're all well. I understand I only have like two followers; both of those people are family members but hey. What are we without optimism, yeah? Well usually when I blog it's because something's been on my heart lately. Well yes you guessed it! There's been something on my heart lately and I want to share it with YOU! Lucky reader, you are. Hopefully this touches someone's life. If it doesn't then you know the Lord will use it for something else. I have full faith in that fact. But I wanted to share something KIND OF personal but I understand many many women struggle with it. The problem starts when we doubt our beauty. I KNOW I KNOW! Don't stop reading just because this sounds rote okay? I mean yeah it's the typical problem among women. 62% of women struggle with finding beauty in themselves. (that's a made up statistic...but I bet it's alarmingly close.) But I digress. The enemy (that is the devil) wants to steal our beauty from us. And honestly I say women but there could be so many guys out there that struggle with this as well. I'm just a woman and so I'm writing from a woman's perspective. But when we allow the enemy access into our thoughts he finds the control room and starts pushing all the buttons he can get his hands on. If he knows that you struggle with self worth then he's going to push that button harder than the others. Here's the problem. The devil will start whispering lies into our heads. BUT we don't have to believe them! We really don't. And what saves us from believing those lies is an event that took place 2,000 years ago when the Lord Jesus Christ crushed the head of death...or the devil. But there's another route we can take. We can believe the enemy's lie. We can start to look at ourselves and question whether or not we are worth it. We question whether or not we'll ever find a significant other because of our personalities or we question our beauty because we're not a size zero or we question our purpose of living because things don't always turn up in our favor. The point is, we start believing the lies until the enemy is no longer telling us these things but we begin telling ourselves these things. We begin looking at our lives and we tell ourselves things like "You're not good enough" or "You're not worth the risk" or you do what I did and you begin to starve yourself because you're not thin enough. Now this isn't for you to go "Oh poor Abbie. Don't doubt your beauty because you're gorgeous." I tell you this very personal tid bit of my life to say this. IT. IS. SELFISH! It is a sin! When we see ourselves as anything other than what God created us--which in His own words is "good"--then we might as well spit in His face and tell Him He's wrong. That's what I did. He calls me beautiful. He calls me fearfully and wonderfully made and I said it wasn't good enough. I took the sacrifice that He made and said, "Nice try but no dice chief." This is when the enemy wins. This is when your mentality is so far gone in its own self destructive pattern that it needs some serious restoration. This is when you become broken. It always reminds me of the sheep that would continuously run away. The shepherd would go and get that sheep and then he would proceed to break one of its legs so that it had to stay with the shepherd until it healed and learned the consequences of its mistake. When we do things like this, we are the sheep that ran away. The Lord has to break us before restoration can take place. It's like in our Chuck Tracks we're doing at school right now. Israel had to be in captivity before they could be restored. The Lord delivers and the Lord loves lavishly. And this is how He shows it. So I kinda diverged from my point but it still stands. Please don't ever look at yourself other than how God created you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and the Lord looks at you and sees the perfected sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. I encourage you to walk in that truth.

Lots of Love,

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