Friday 13 September 2013

Access vs. Intimacy

So while I blog I may tell you about my day, I may tell you about adventures we went on or I might tell you something that the Lord has shown me. Well tonight (or today rather for you who are going to read it) I want to share with you just how my eyes were open by the Lord. Tonight we went to the Western Wall (or the Wailing Wall, whichever name you may know it by). Last night we went as well and I have to tell you, that both nights weren’t that emotional. It was amazing don’t get me wrong! It was absolutely awe inspiring but I didn’t see it the same way the Jewish people do. See this wall is what is left of their temple before the Muslim invasion of Jerusalem and the building of the dome of the rock. This is the only place they feel they can meet with God. Now for me to witness this was a really weird feeling. It’s so bittersweet. In one sense they have this special spot for them to meet with God and that they can come and be in His presence but in the same vain my heart breaks for them not knowing that intimacy that comes with Christ living within you. So as we left tonight I was talking about it with my friend Rebecca. She also sees it as something very bittersweet but the realization dawned upon us that not only is this wall bittersweet but it’s also highly convicting. I know in my personal life that I have taken that accessible and highly intimate access to God for granted. I truly have. If I only had one place to meet with God I think (I hope) I would run to it every day. But the God of the universe lives inside me and yet I can’t take 30 minutes just to sit in His presence and commune with Him? My heart breaks for these people but in the same moment I am broken. I am the one who realizes what I need. I am the one who sees what’s very wrong with my picture. The Holy Spirit shows us things we don’t necessarily want to see until they are smack dab in our faces. My prayer and my hope for anyone reading this is to not lose that intimacy with Christ. Realize that you can meet with Him anytime, any day. And don’t let that become something you take for granted. And even if you’re not saved, just realize that you can have an encounter with the Almighty God in your bedroom, at work, on the street, or in your car. The Lord is powerful and living and working in and amongst these people. And He’s using them to work on my heart.

All my love,


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