Thursday 19 September 2013

Sheyla Hughes

Sheyla Hughes. What a blessing. Ha ha yes I'm going to blog about a person but not just any person. You'll get tid bits of everyone here and there but I HAVE to share with you about my friend Sheyla. The name Sheyla actually means "Gift of God" and let me tell you, the Lord has gifted her to my life; to all the girls' life. The thing about Sheyla that I wish I could possess is that everything that comes out of her mouth is encouraging and loving and sweet and kind. The overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Well I know what's in her heart. Nothing but joy and love. She's one of the most personable people I've ever met. She'll literally see someone and ask them how they're doing today and she won't have even known them for more than 24 hours or less. There was one time in the room when my friend Becca and I were talking to and with her about life. Everything she said was pure joy and encouragement to our hearts. We literally had to say, "Sheyla you make us feel better about who we are." Now don't get me wrong I know where this comes from. I know that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and working within her. This is just to say how much I want that. How much we all should want that. We should find ourselves in a place that everything that comes out of our mouths is pure and loving and encouraging. We need to be so full of the Holy Spirit that nothing else has room in our hearts. May we all become our version of Sheyla Hughes. Lord knows that's what I want.

Lots of Love,

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