Sunday 22 September 2013

Rushing Wind and Pouring Rain

I guess I should clarify; rushing wind: Holy Spirit. Pouring rain: the rainstorm we danced in at 9:00 at night. So this all took place YESTERDAY which was Friday the 21st of September. This whole "being ahead" thing is really throwing me off. But anyways, we got to go to the upper room (or the building that was built on top of where the upper room was). You see a lot of the originals in Jerusalem are underground and currently being excavated or on their way to BEING excavated. But we did get to see the concept which was just as beautiful. I got to lead a worship song in there and it had just the right acoustics to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. NOW DON'T EXIT THE PAGE I'LL EXPLAIN! You don't need a special place to "feel" the Holy Spirit, but sometimes an experience like that really gives you a picture of how it would have been when He came in fire. We were singing in there and it was so beautiful it was as if the presence of God was pleased with our worship. We know the Father is pleased to hear His children in worship and let me tell you, I could feel it. I got chills understanding that the Holy Spirit came in such a mighty way. Not to mention that the wind was going CRAZY! Rushing wind and all that. What a glorious feeling it is to be in the presence of the Lord even in the smallest ways. The pouring rain was just glorious. I mean it rained so hard it was flooding. As I thought of it later I thought of the flooding of our hearts instead of the flooding of the streets. Both are amazing thoughts however I thought of what I want to get out of this semester and I'm gonna be so honest. I want the most out of this semester. I want to get so close to God. I want my heart to flood with the love and the truth and the beauty of what is salvation and Jesus Christ. I stood in that rain and I let it drench me like no other. It was such a joy and such a symbol of what I want out of this semester. I want the love of God to just truly submerge me in an intimacy that I've never known before. I love Him so. I hope you all know that true love and intimacy or someday soon you find it.

Lots of Love,

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